Monday, January 2, 2012

Snowman Candy Bars

Here is a picture of a couple of the snowman candy bars that I made for the kids to hand out at school for their holiday parties. This picture really doesn't do them justice. I forgot to take photos when I made them, and these were the last two we had. They have ridden around in a bag, so they were a little ruffled. ;)

I got the idea from the turtorial on Kerry's Paper Craft's Blog. If you have not visited her blog, it is a must see. She is a very talented lady!!!
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Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012.......Here's to new beginings!

Wow 2012 already! I woke up today with a feeling newness and hope. I have so many things I want to accomplish and improve this year! Very near the top of the list is getting organized. I no longer want to spend hours looking for things. I want to instead spend that time improving the quality of my life. I want to eat healthier, exercise, and spend quality time with my family.

I also hope that this is the year that I learn to really blog! I hope that at the end of this year I will be able to look back at my blog and see all that I have accomplished!

Happy New Year!!!
