Thursday, March 26, 2020

My dearest toilet paper,

My dearest toilet paper,

I must confess, I have taken you for granted.  You are something that I never really appreciated.  I just expected you to be there when I needed you.  You would sit among the shelves, so many different brands and different sized packages.  I could go down the paper goods aisle and casually toss you in my basket.  If I carelessly forget you, I could always log onto Amazon and have you delivered the very next day.  

I sit here and fondly remember the good old days...……… and yes I mean less than a month ago.  The days when COVID 19 was not a household name and the only topic filling our news media.  The days when running out of toilet paper was never a fear.  

Even as the media reports came in, showing the bare paper goods aisles, I was not scared.  Come on now, we live in America.  These people are silly and the shelves will surely be restocked tomorrow, or at minimum within the week.  Wow, how wrong I was.

I am so grateful that my case of coveted toilet paper was delivered from Amazon, just days before the pandemic.  Although as the days go by and the supply remains scares, even I am beginning to wander.... will we run out?  How long can the supply remain so limited.  I never thought I'd see a day when the toilet paper shelf spots would sit bare and every online realtor would be sold out.  

Sure you can find listings, where fortune hunters, who have hoarded a huge supply of toilet paper now dangle the rolls like carrots.  They are pricing these rolls for amounts in which, would allow them to see ridiculous profits.  These predators are out there praying on the scared.  

It is truly my hope that the suppliers catch up and we can once again find a soft package of toilet paper among the store shelves.  That we can once again casually toss a package in our cart, but not before giving it a little hug.  

I hope that the predators are stuck with storage units filled with toilet paper that they can no longer sell for exurbanite prices and that we can once again give our money to our retail stores once more.  

I never thought I'd pray for normal, but here I am, just praying to get back to the good old days.  

Monday, January 2, 2012

Snowman Candy Bars

Here is a picture of a couple of the snowman candy bars that I made for the kids to hand out at school for their holiday parties. This picture really doesn't do them justice. I forgot to take photos when I made them, and these were the last two we had. They have ridden around in a bag, so they were a little ruffled. ;)

I got the idea from the turtorial on Kerry's Paper Craft's Blog. If you have not visited her blog, it is a must see. She is a very talented lady!!!
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Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012.......Here's to new beginings!

Wow 2012 already! I woke up today with a feeling newness and hope. I have so many things I want to accomplish and improve this year! Very near the top of the list is getting organized. I no longer want to spend hours looking for things. I want to instead spend that time improving the quality of my life. I want to eat healthier, exercise, and spend quality time with my family.

I also hope that this is the year that I learn to really blog! I hope that at the end of this year I will be able to look back at my blog and see all that I have accomplished!

Happy New Year!!!


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Recycle Reuse Valentine Craft

I really like the idea, although I'm not thrilled with the way they turned out. I did get into a bit of a pinch. I was making these for the neighbor kids that my son was playing with next door. When my son came home and announced they were headed out, I had to complete them and ship them back out the door with my son.

Friday, February 5, 2010

More Valentine Class Gifts

I took advantage of my daughter being home today and put her to work helping me make Valentines for her class at school. She didn't last very long, but she did help me get the little girls colored.

I think they turned out pretty stinkin' cute if I may say so myself. I filled small plastic bags with Hershey's Kisses and some cool valentine glitter I found at my local craft stores. I cut strips of red paper and used my Martha Stewart Edge punch to scallop the bottom edges. I used a strip of patterned paper and pop dotted the little girl on top. The little girl was stamped and we used colored pencils to color her, before we carefully cut her out. The best part is I'm done and had time to spare.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Look what I found at Target.

I was strolling along in Target today when I spotted these. I love the vintage colors and feel. I stopped and started loading up my cart. Then I remembered I have car tags and insurance due next month. Boo Hoo. :( I did decided that I just could not pass on the spinning utensil holder in the turquoise blue. It spins like a top!! It is going to be great holding scrapbook tools in my room. Now to clean off a spot and load it up. I really had a hard time passing on the 3 piece canister set for $14.99. Oh well maybe next week. ;-)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Here's what I've been working on. Instead of buying a box of valentines this year, I decided to do something a little different. I went to my local Sams Club and bought a box of Hershey Bars. I was sad to find out that they no longer have the paper wrapper on the outside with a silver wrapper inside. :( Now they have a plastic wrapper. It still worked, but I like the way they used to be packaged. My son is very excited because he doesn't have to sit down and put his name on all of them. They are all down and ready to be passed out at his party. One kid down, one to go.